January 2018
2nd - Classes Resume
8th - No Freaky Flexability Class
8th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:00-7:45pm
11th - 15th - CLOSED
18th - Black Belt Club 6:45pm-7:45pm
18th - No Adult Class
19th - Football Jersey Sparring Friday - Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey Camo through Black Belts
22nd - 25th - Testing Week In Class
25th - Buddy Day 5:45pm - No Orange/Yellow Class
27th - Special Grappling / Jiu-Jitsu Seminar - Details TBA
February 2018
8th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm (No Adult Class)
10th - Flexibility Seminar 11:30am-12:30pm
12th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:30pm (No Freaky Flexibility Class)
15th - Buddy Day 5:45pm - (No Orange/Yellow Class)
16th - Senior Master's Birthday
19th-21st - Testing Week In Class
22nd - 26th - CLOSED

March 2018
2nd - Due to the Nor'easter we will not be able to hold classes today
3rd - SPECIAL OPENING MAKE UP CLASSES - 11:00-11:30 White Belts, 11:30 - 1:00pm - All Camo and higher ranks for a special and fun sparring class
8th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm (No Adult Class)
9th - Closed
12th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:30pm
12th - No Freaky Flexibility Class
14th - Black Belt Class - All attend both hours - 5:45-7:45pm
15th - Buddy Day 5:45pm (No Orange/Yellow Belt Class)
16th - Glow-Nunchaku Seminar 6:45pm (No Black Belt Class-Rescheduled on 14th)
16th - MAA Party - 7:45pm - More details to follow
17th - Makeup Sparring Class for Camo-Black Belts 11:00am-12:00pm
26th-29th - Testing Week In Class
30th - Closed - Good Friday Holiday
April 2018
9th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:30pm (No Freaky Flexibility Class)
14th - Black Belt Grappling Seminar / Dinner 2:00pm - 5:30pm
19th - Buddy Day 5:45pm - (No Orange/Yellow Class)
19th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm (No Adult Class)
23rd-26th - Testing Week In Class
24th - Gun Disarm Seminar 6:30pm - 8:00pm

May 2018
3rd - 9th - CLOSED Spring Break
14th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:30pm
14th - No Freaky Flexibilty Class
17th - Buddy Day 5:45pm (No Orange/Yellow Class)
17th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm
22nd - Picture Day - NO CLASSES
21st-24th - Testing Week In Class
28th - CLOSED Memorial Day
June 2018
11th - MMA Sparring Class - 7:30pm (No Freaky Flexibility Class)
14th - Buddy Day 5:45pm - (No Orange/Yellow Class)
14th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm
18th-21st - Testing Week In Class
22nd - Black Belt Laser Tag 10:30am
22nd - Camo - Red Combined Fun Sparring Class - 4:30pm - 5:15pm
22nd - Kicking Skills & Drills Seminar - 5:15pm - 6:45pm
22nd - Black Belt Cross Training Class 6:45pm - 7:45

July 2018
2nd - Summer Schedule Begins
4th - Closed 4th Of July
11th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
18th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
19th - Buddy Day 5:45pm (No Orange/Yellow Class)
25th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
23rd-26th - Testing Week In Class
August 2018
1st - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
8th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
15th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
16th - Buddy Day 5:45pm (No Orange/Yellow Class)
20th-23rd - Testing Week In Class
22nd - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:15pm-6:00pm
27th - September 3th - Closed Summer Break

September 2018
5th - Classes and new schedule begin
10th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm
13th - MMA Sparring Class 6:45pm (No Freaky Flexibility Class)
13th - Buddy Day 5:15pm - (No Orange/Yellow Belt Class)
20th - CLOSED - No Classes
24th-27th - Testing Week In Class
28th - Football Jersey Friday
29th - Nunchaku Seminar 9-10:30am
October 2018
8th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm
11th - MMA Sparring Class 6:45pm - No Freaky Flexibility Class
18th - Buddy Day 5:15pm - No Orange/Yellow Class
22nd - 25th - Testing Week In Class
26th - Football Jersey Sparring Friday
28th - Ms. Sharon's Birthday
30th - Nunchaku Seminar 6:30pm-7:30pm
30th - ATTENTION ALL BLACK BELTS - attend 7:30pm-8:30pm Class (no 6:30pm class)
31st - CLOSED - Halloween

November 2018
7th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:45pm-6:15pm
12th - Black Belt Club 6:30pm
14th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:45pm-6:15pm
15th - MMA Sparring Class 6:45pm (No Freaky Flexibility)
15th - Buddy Day 5:15pm (No Orange & Yellow Class)
16th - Football Jersey Friday
22nd & 23rd - Closed Thanksgiving
26th-28th- Testing Week in Class
28th - Crazy Conditioning Class 5:45pm-6:15pm
29th - CLOSED Black Belt Testing
December 2018
5th - Crazy Conditioning 5:45pm-6:15pm
6th & 7th - CLOSED
12th - Crazy Conditioning 5:45pm-6:15pm
14th - Football Jersey Friday
17th - Black Belt Club 6:30 pm
19th - Crazy Conditioning 5:45pm-6:15pm
17th-20th - Testing Week in Class
20th - MMA Sparring Class at 6:45pm (No Freaky Flexibility Class)
20th - Buddy Day 5:15pm (No Orange & Yellow Class)
21nd - Polar Express Movie Party
24th-January 1st - Closed